Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big Things Are Happening in Room 108 :)

We have had so much fun in room 108 this week! A lot of big things have happened in our class this week, and I am so excited to share them with all of you!  We read one of my FAVORITE books this week, The Rainbow Fish, and we made our very own rainbow fish. This project is so much fun, and it really gives me a chance to get to know my "itty bitties" a little bit better :) We also started our Reading Workshops this week. I started doing Reading Workshops in my classroom last year and fell in LOVE with the process! This week we have been focusing on good reading habits and what good readers need to be successful. Through reading workshop, I hope to create confident readers who truly have a love for reading. :) Here are a few pictures from our first full week in first grade :)
My little friend Kristos got a new haircut this week! Three inches gone.  Isn't he so handsome??
Steven had a VERY big week! He lost a tooth AND he welcomed a new little brother
into this world this week! He is a great big brother!

We have also been reviewing kindergarten sight words this week!
 Look at all of these words we can read...they just POP in our heads!
Here are our Rainbow Fish! Are they not the cutest things??

Here are a few up close and personal :)
MyLeah is special because she is the only girl in her family!
Breanna is special because she has 6 dogs and 1 cat!
Cooper is special because he has a blue room!

Here are a few pictures of my friends working on their special projects for Open House!

And finally here are a few of our charts from our Reading Workshops!

A few reminders for this week:
*Please keep your child's newsletter/homework sheet inside his/her folder all week. They will be recording their daily behavior at the bottom of the homework sheet.
*Grits for Grans papers went home on Friday. Please send the RSVP forms back ASAP so we can make sure there is enough food.
*Scholastic Book Orders are due on Tuesday
*Please continue to send in Box Tops
*And last but not least...We are still in need for a Room Mom or Moms. If you are interested, please let me know :)

I hope your child had as much fun at school this week as I did! I can't wait to see their sweet faces on Monday! Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First Week Back=MAJOR SUCCESS!!

Well, the first week of first grade has come and gone, and it was so much fun! I cannot believe how smoothly everything went this week. My 25 itty bitties have adjusted very well to our classroom procedures, rules, and expectations. They truly are amazing kids, and I am so thankful to have each and every one of them in my class this year! We are going to have an absolutely, wonderful school year! Here are a few pictures from our first week in first grade!
Our very first class picture...Say-"We LOVE first grade on three! " :)
 Hard at work

Miss Kinsley moved to OUTSTANDING three days in a row this week and got
to bring her favorite stuffed animal to school! Precious!
This week, we read the book, The Blue Spot and made our own blue spots! They turned out soooo cute!! 
I cannot BELIEVE how creative my little friends are. Here are a few...

Miss Kate turned her blue spot into bubble gum
Mr. Cannon made his blue spot into a monkey
Miss Kaylie Grace turned hers into a sea turtle
Miss Victoria made her blue spot into an alligator
Mr. Sam made his blue spot an angel
See...I told you they were amazing!
 I am so excited to go back to school on Monday. I miss my little friends so much already!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

O' Summer Where Art Thou??

It's that time again...back to school! I am not really sure where the summer vacation went; however I am super excited about the upcoming school year, as well as starting this new blog to give all of the parents a peek at what we are learning in first grade!  I am going to be trying a few new and exciting things this year, and I cannot wait to share them with all of you.
I have been working really hard to get my room up and ready for my new little friends to enjoy. Here is a little preview of your new, first grade classroom...

When you walk in...

Our Publishing Place and Calendar board

Student Tables

Leveled Books...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those baskets

New Behavior Management

Fabulous new seats to use in the Magnetic Mountain learning station