Thursday, August 11, 2011

O' Summer Where Art Thou??

It's that time again...back to school! I am not really sure where the summer vacation went; however I am super excited about the upcoming school year, as well as starting this new blog to give all of the parents a peek at what we are learning in first grade!  I am going to be trying a few new and exciting things this year, and I cannot wait to share them with all of you.
I have been working really hard to get my room up and ready for my new little friends to enjoy. Here is a little preview of your new, first grade classroom...

When you walk in...

Our Publishing Place and Calendar board

Student Tables

Leveled Books...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those baskets

New Behavior Management

Fabulous new seats to use in the Magnetic Mountain learning station

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog! So cool! Your classroom looks great! Those kiddos are lucky to have you!
