Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Time Of Our Lives...

We have been learning so much this week! I hope that your children have enjoyed this week as much as I have. :) Watching my little readers has been a complete blessing. We have been working very hard to become strong readers. This week, we have been working on a variety of ways to read books during reading workshop, and my little readers have done an amazing job! Some of things we talked about that can help us become better, stronger readers include: reading and stretching the words, reading with the pictures, giving our characters voices, and making connections. In Social Studies, we have been learning about timelines and how they relate to our lives. Last week, my little friends completed their first BIG project of the school year. They made a timeline of the important events in their lives. They turned out so cute, and they were super excited to share their life story with their friends! :) Here are a few pictures from our week! Enjoy!
Cannon made a great connection with the book Big Shark's Lost Tooth! He remembered when he lost his first tooth and the feelings of excitement he had when it happened!

Kate made a great connection as well. She remembered when it snowed last year, and how her and her family built a snowman together...just like the family in the book! Great job Kate!
Brooks read a book about picking out the perfect pumpkin, and he remembered a time when he and his family went to a pumpkin patch at his uncle's farm. What a great connection Brooks!

Here are a few pictures of my smarties sharing their timeline projects!

My sweet friend "Moose" Don't you just love those boots? Such a cutie!
Sweet Emily!

Miss Gabbie
Mr. Eli
Nate the Great!
Anna Banana :)

Didn't they do a fantastic job! I am telling all of you now...
these kiddos are AMAZING!!!! I am one lucky teacher!:)

*Don't forget to send in your RSVP for Grits for Grans!
*No School Monday...ENJOY your extra long weekend!
*Open House is Tuesday from 6-7

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